Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

First Apple Macintosh (1984)
It’s so hard to keep up with technology in the world we live in today. I remember when the internet first came out. I would run home from school every day to jump on the computer and chat with my friends who I had just spent the whole day with. The computer was very slow and had a long delayed reaction time, but it was cool to be able to “talk” with them through the computer. Now, kids don’t have to run home to jump on a computer. They have cell phones that they can send text messages on. Some phones even connect to the internet. As times are coming and going, it is important to keep up with technology and to teach it in our classrooms.

Children are interested in the growing technology and this is a good way to help them to learn. Using the internet to integrate technology in the classroom also helps teachers gain some instruction on how to incorporate learning for their students. As an elementary school teacher, I plan on using the computer in my classroom for a number of things. I still believe that text books are an important part of the teaching environment and hope to be able to continue to use them in a way that the students will enjoy. I feel that using the internet to cross-reference the text books is a good way to keep children interested and plan on incorporating it in some way. I’m big on using themes to teach different lessons and think that the internet can be a big help when preparing lesson plans. There are many different sources out there that have the information we need. Another main thing I would like to focus on is communication with the parents. One of my biggest fears about becoming a teacher is working with the parents. I believe that if I work to keep communication open with them so that they are updated on what’s going on, then I will have an easier time coping with my fear. The more they know, the less I have to explain! I am so glad that we are learning about blogging in this class and I definitely plan on taking what I learn and using it in my classroom. I hope to spend enough time on blogging and photo editing so that I am a pro by the time I get into my own classroom. Another thing I am excited about learning about is the wiki’s and prezi presentation. I’ve never worked with either one and am anxious to see how they work. I may even want to use these two tools in my classroom as well.

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